Milwaukee Framing Nailers 2744 vs 2745

Milwaukee Nail Guns: 2744-20 vs 2745-20

What's the difference between the Milwaukee 2744-20 and 2745-20?

Our Decision

Milwaukee - 2744-20

More Capability

Milwaukee 2744-20 Framing Nailer

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Milwaukee - 2745-20

Larger Nail Capacity

Milwaukee 2745-20 Framing Nailer

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Milwaukee Nail Gun 2744-20 vs 2745-20 Comparison Table

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SpecLook does not favor or promote any specific products, manufacturers, or distributors over the others. All highlights and awards are purely based on the comparison of details and specifications gathered for the products mentioned in the above table. All details and specifications in the above table are gathered directly from, but not limited to, manufacturer websites, manufacturer released distribution materials and product manuals. All rating data is updated as frequently as possible to reflect the most up to date and accurate values.

Different Types of M18 Milwaukee Nail Guns

Milwaukee Brad Nailer

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Pros & Cons of the Milwaukee 2745-20

Milwaukee 2745-20 Framing Nailer

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Main Features



Pros & Cons of the Milwaukee 2744-20

Milwaukee 2744-20 Framing Nailer

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Main Features



Should I Choose the 2744-20 or the 2745-20?